Services rendered by the outpatient clinic Price
MRI in the head/brain area (contrast agent not included - according to the indication of the examining physician)  CZK 8 800
MRI of soft tissues of the neck (contrast agent not included - according to the indication of the examining physician)  CZK 8 800
MRI of one section of the spine - cervical, thoracic or lumbar  CZK 8 800
MRI in the abdomen (contrast agent not included - according to the indication of the examining physician)       CZK 10 000
MRI in the pelvic area (contrast agent not included - according to the indication of the examining physician)  CZK 10 000
MRI of one joint (contrast agent not included - according to the indication of the examining physician) CZK 8 800
MR angiography native  CZK 3 000
MR angiography + contrast agent (e.g., AG of carotids, aortic sections) CZK 8 500
MR - cholangiopancreatography CZK 8 800
MR - urography CZK 8 800
MR - enterography + contrast agent  CZK 12 500
Package - brain + C spine MRI CZK 13 800
Package - MR brain + orbita CZK 13 800
Package - MR 2 Spinal Sections (choose from C, Th, LS Spine) CZK 13 800
Contrast agent  CZK 2 500
Whole body magnetic resonance imaging - in preparation  
Other services
Copies of images (image documentation) at the patient's request  CZK 200

Prices include VAT.

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